Seoul National University Institute for Research in Finance and Economics(SIRFE)
  • was founded in April 10, 2009 with the following objectives
  • 1. To conduct the first·rate academic research concerning financial markets, financial institutions, regulation and policy in collaboration with renowned scholars home and abroad.
  • 2. To maximize the interdisciplinary interactions among scholars in various fields such as economics, finance and business, law, mathematics and statistics, engineering.
  • 3. To make objective policy suggestions based on academics rigor for the improverment of financial system, the health of financial industry, and the prevention of finanacial crisis.
  • In order to grasp the new opportunities created by changes in financial environment, the SIRFE is to carry out a foundamental and comprehensive research on financial markets, financial institutions, financial system, and financial policy. The details are as follow:
    • Academic seminars, workshops, and conferencesTo be held regularly by inviting prominent scholars and experts in Korea and overseas
    • Policy seminars, symposiums, and conferencesTo be held regularly by inviting prominent scholars, experts or policy makers in Korea and overseas
    • Working Paper paper seriesTo be issued regularly including the research output from the academic seminars, workshops or conferences
    • Occasional Paper paper seriesPublished regularly including the research output from the policy seminars, symposium, or conferences