05/25/21 Policy Discussion: Insurance Industry Innovation Plan in the Data Economy Era hosted by Center for Health and Finance, SNU

Announcement: Seoul National University Institute for Research in Finance and Economics, Center for Health and Finance's Policy Discussion ◎ Topic: Insurance Industry Innovation Plan in the Data Economy Era  Focusing on the Use of Health Care Data ◎ Date: May 25, 2021 at 3pm ◎ Method: Zoom webinar https://zoom.us/j/91916086666?pwd=MENITndZUVovWUlra0N4d0I3L1FxUT09 ◎ Meeting ID: 919 1608 6666 Password: 152485 ————————————————————————————————————————————— Inquiries:  nykim@knia.or.kr/ […]

05/11/21 Online Seminar: Center for Health and Finance Co. with Korean Society Health and Health Data Science Lab

Announcement: Center for Health and Finance's Seminar Co. with Korean Society Health and Health Data Science Lab Seoul National University Institute for Research in Finance and Economics ◎ Date: May 11, 2021 at 10am ◎ Method: Zoom webinar   https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/87050483995?pwd=WTQxVTdkaTdlWnFIMGJHZWVqb1B3dz09 ◎ Meeting ID: 870 5048 3995 Password: 653745 ————————————————————————————————————————————— ◎ Pre-registration E-mail: Please send an email with your name, institution, contact number […]